星期三, 7月 13, 2005

20050713(Diary)-I AM A STUPID PIG

I have been sick for weeks and I felt much better this morning, so I decided to throw my medicine into the trash can.

After lunch, I got a headache—serious headache, then I went to take a nap which I though maybe could mitigate my headache. I was careless because I slept without blanket and I woke up again with more serious headache and running nose. These are symptoms of illness so I knew there is more than 50% I got a flu again.

I had to find my medicine back from the trash can!!!


At 7:53 下午, Blogger 小紅 said...

Maybe you can just leave it. ^ ^

At 8:54 下午, Blogger 小粒 said...

I never believe that you'd been a nurse...

At 1:46 下午, Blogger 小紅 said...

TO 小粒:

I always forget I was a nurse,too.
^ ^

At 8:07 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I think you should see the doctor AGAIN and ask him for a NEW BRAIN.
Leave the medicine..wiil ya!?
Gosh! It has been surrounded by GARBAGE! What the FUXX are you thinking!

Your fuXXing pissed son

At 10:16 下午, Blogger 小紅 said...

to my son

please don't say any dirty words even you didn't spell it completely which still has same meaning.



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